
Guangzhou Tealection Tea Room

Tealection is a Tea Room located in Shamian Island, Guangzhou, China. 

Shamian is a national cultural relics protection zone with 169 distinctive buildings, 

53 of them are listed as national key cultural relics protection buildings.


Tea Room need a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere, 

which needs to be complemented by a lighting dimming control system. 

Skydance DMX triac dimmer S1-D1 has been selected for this lighting project.


Skydance S1-D1 is AC phase-cut mosfet dimmer with DMX512 function, 

one channel output, for dimming and switching single color dimmable LED lamps,

 traditional incandescent and halogen lights.

 It complys with the DMX512 standard protocols. 

Digital numeric display, DMX decode start address can be set by bottons. 

RDM function can realize intercommunication between DMX master and decoder. 

For example, DMX decoder address can be set by DMX master console.

 Reverse-phase dimming or forward-phase dimming for selection.

 Minimum brightness set from 1% to 40%. 

Stand-alone dynamic mode and dimmer mode for options, 

which be controlled by buttons with built-in programs, instead of DMX signal.


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