
Ping An International Financial Center in Beijing


Ping An International Finance Center is located at the northwest corner of Yansha Bridge on the East Third Ring Road, close to Kunlun Hotel and Beijing International Club. It is a prime location and regional landmark building. It occupies the core position of the Yansha business district, a short walk from the embassy district, and is close to the CBD business district.Owning its own high-end shopping mall, the Westin Hotel where the first lady Michelle Obama stayed has added political elements to the Ping An Financial Center in the financial field.


Ping An International Center consists of two international 5A Grade A office buildings and a fashionable shopping mall. Skydance DMX Triac dimmer SK1 is used in the lighting project of the public area of Beijing Ping An International Financial Center, creating a fresh, bright, healthy and comfortable lighting environment for the safety center.


Beijing Ping An International Financial Center is an office space, and most of its use time is during the day, which requires the lighting design to combine natural light and artificial light. In daytime lighting requirements while satisfying the overall environment to achieve a clear, harmonization, and reduce glare interference within the space. The precise dimming control of Skydance DMX Triac dimmer SK1 creates a simple, lively, warm and comfortable lighting environment for the safety center.


The lighting of Beijing Ping An International Financial Center not only combines office needs, scientifically and rationally divides functional areas, but also considers the mutual communication between various areas. Taking into account the functional requirements of the safety center, as well as the uniformity of light and the comfort of the light source, adopting a variety of different LED lamps. The office area adopts accent lighting, the corridor adopts auxiliary lighting, and the public area of the hall adopts partition control. Under the application of Skydance DMX Triac dimmer SK1, Beijing Ping An International Financial Center has realized centralized control of multi-area lamps and output high-quality lighting effects.


The signal converter converts signals between two different lighting control systems (including RF, DMX512, DALI, 0/1-10V, Triac, etc.) to realize the communication between different lighting control systems. Triac dimming technology doesn’t need signal lines, doesn’t change the original line, low cost, and convenient construction. Skydance DMX Triac dimmer realizes 0~100% smooth and precise dimming, the dimming effect and compatibility are close to the extreme, and it is compatible with various brands of Triac dimming systems on the market.


The main functions include:

1. DMX Triac dimmer is compatible with the latest DMX512 international standard protocol.

2. The DMX Triac dimmer converts the standard DMX512/1990 signal into 1/2 channel Triac phase-cut output, which is used to control the Triac LED drivers or Triac lamps.

3. The DMX address can be set via the digital tube buttons or remotely via the DMX512/RDM console.

4. Use the digital tube button to select forward-phase or reverse-phase and set the minimum brightness.


Skydance LED controller realizes intelligent control functions such as light remote control, brightness adjustment, color temperature adjustment, grouping and partition, scene, timing, sense, etc. through different product combinations.Finally, thanks our customer again for trusting Skydance and using our DMX decoder in this important lighting project. We will go ahead and make more high quality LED controllers.

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