
Galaxy Macau crystal lobby


Bling Bling Bling! Who doesn’t like sparkles? Galaxy Macau crystal lobby has become one of the hottest checked-in Spots in Macau and has all heads turning. It catches all eyeballs with 380 000 precision-cut fine crystals, music fountain and magic lighting.
Talking about the magic lighting of this amazing crystal lobby, it should attribute to Skydance DMX512 decoder model D4 and DMX512 signal Amplifier DA.
There are total 28pcs D4 and DA to constitute the whole lighting control system of the Galaxy Macau crystal lobby to creat such dreamlike lighting to surprise all visitors’ holidays.
Skydance DMX512 decoder D4 is 4 channel decoder for RGBW light. It is with digital numeric display to set address easily and with RDM function to communicate with DMX master. Stand-alone function is super convenience for lighitng project installation. More information can be searched in .
Location: Macau
Model: Skydance DMX512 decoder D4
Model: Skydance DMX512 signal amplifier DA

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