
Beijing CBD Xinjingxi Hot Pot store


Happiness is often related to food, and food is always related to lighting. Outside the Forbidden City, in the core of Beijing CBD, a high-end hot pot brand store uses smart lighting control system to create a bright dining light environment for customer, which not only connects tradition and trendy, but also makes delicious food and happiness get the most appropriate placement.

Today, let's go into the lighting atmosphere of Jingxi everywhere, explore the rich history of thousands of years, and feel the hot hustle and bustle of the world.

Tradition And New Trend

Burst into surprise in smart lighting

Xinjingxi is a new paradigm of hot pot created by Michelin star chef, focusing on the concept of "old Beijing new hot pot". Here, traditional culture such as Peking Opera, cloisonné , intangible cultural heritage techniques and innovative cooking styles meet and collide, bursting out various surprises, satisfying the current diners' pursuit of high quality and sense of ceremony.

This project landed at Xinjingxi's third store in Beijing. Like the first two stores, the third store has very high site selection requirements: it is located in Zhongxiu Building, a 5A Grade A office building in the core area of Beijing CBD, adjacent to landmark buildings such as China Zun and CCTV.

In this project, the store adopted SKYDANCE DMX512 products to control lighting in multiple areas. The excellent DMX512 signal decoding control provides a variety of lighting colors and brightness controls for the store. The colorful dynamic lighting allows the rich traditional culture and trendy modern elements to be properly displayed and complement each other. Such Xinjingxi is naturally a gourmet destination worth visiting.

65536 Gray Level

Decoding high-level ambient lighting

In order to meet the needs of different diners, the store has set up a variety of spaces such as large tables in the lobby, scattered tables and private rooms, and uses the SKYDANCE DMX512 decoder D4-P, up to 65536 levels (16 bits), through R, G, B three colors are mixed to produce thousands of colors to perform rich and colorful lighting effects and create various high-level ambient lighting.

Application of  SKYDANCE DMX512 series products Xinjingxi CBD store

In here, you can not only feel the bright spring and summer atmosphere, the healing autumn and winter atmosphere, but also the warm family gathering atmosphere, the grand business banquet atmosphere, and the sweet couple dating atmosphere. Each atmosphere is presented in a high-level and mysterious way, which is touching and close.

Application of  SKYDANCE DMX512 series products Xinjingxi CBD store

A Good Beijing Opera

Staged in smooth dimming

Different from traditional old Beijing hotpot restaurants, Xinjingxi has added Peking opera performances to create a brand new hotpot experience. Every night from 7 to 8 o'clock, The legendary Peking Opera will be performed on the stage in the center of the hall, allowing diners to experience the traditional Chinese quintessence without boundaries while enjoying the delicious food around the stove.

Application of  SKYDANCE DMX512 series products Xinjingxi CBD store

Under the smart control of SKYDANCE DMX-Triac Dimmer S1-D and DMX-0/1-10V Decoder DL, stage lights are displayed softly and smooth. The ever-changing brilliant lights dress up the stage like a dream, helping to shape the characters and render the stage atmosphere, satisfying every pair of expectant eyes. Look, the good show is in the lights.

Application of SKYDANCE DMX512 series products Xinjingxi CBD store

Large Load Output

Jingxi is everywhere with lights

Walking into the store, you can see many large areas of ambient lighting, which are delicate and uniform. This is due to the large load output performance provided by SKYDANCE DMX512 decoder. The output power of D4-P reaches 4 channels x 288W, and the output current reaches up to 8A. Combined with the optimized PWM dimming technology, it realizes the consistency of LED dimming for large loads.

At the same time, with DMX signal amplifier DA, to achieve the extension of DMX signal transmission distance, so that more lamps cascaded control, to ensure the stability of the overall lamp control, and create Jingxi everywhere is a senior consumption experience.

Application of  SKYDANCE DMX512 series products Xinjingxi CBD store

Easy To Use

Efficiently create a beautiful lighting space

In the installation, SKYDANCE DMX512 decoder/signal amplifier is provided with Installation rack or standard din rail (support two rail sizes: 35*7.5 and 35*15 (width*depth, mm)) . Installation method, , easy and convenient.

In terms of setting and debugging, the Skydance DMX512 decoder supporting the RDM function efficiently empowers the entire application cycle: in the first application, the DMX decoding start address can be quickly set through the button or the main console for preliminary debugging, and the address of each lamp is clear on the 3 digit Numeric display , and then installation and final debugging are carried out to help the store create a beautiful lighting space efficiently.

When diners come to Xinjingxi, they are filled with the delicious sense of life, the sense of ceremony and happiness, when these arrive in their minds through the lights, the value of SKYDANCE products is delivered.

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