
The City of Dream


In Macau, a city that blends tradition and modernity, City of Dreams has become a shining pearl in the city's night sky with its unique modern and stylish style and futuristic sense of technology. Its halo curtain wall lighting design is realized by SKYDANCE DMX512-SPI decoder DS, which perfectly combines complex lighting layout with delicate colour variation. Here, every building, every light and shadow conveys the artistic atmosphere of young fashion and avant-garde future.

Skydance decoder DS to achieve dynamic lighting effect of ring curtain wall


Ultimate control, excellent presentation

The reception area of the mall in the project is decorated with unique circular lights, which are controlled by the DMX512-SPI decoder DS to achieve subtle colour changes and dynamics. The DS decoder is compatible with up to 47 types of digital IC RGB or RGBW LED strips, which can easily cope with the complex lighting layout requirements of the building's surfaces. 

The DS decoder supports up to 32 dynamic change modes, such as horse-race, chase, flow, trail or gradual change style. The colours of each halo are carefully blended, from red to blue to green, giving the building a sense of life and motion. The rich selection of dynamic modes adds endless possibilities to the nighttime image of City of Dreams.

Skydance decoder DS to achieve dynamic lighting effect of ring curtain wall


Multi-functional model, adapting to multiple needs

As a high-end DMX512 SPI decoder, DS not only supports standalone controller mode, but also provides standard DMX decoding mode and wireless remote control. This design makes lighting control more flexible, allowing different modes to be switched as required. Whether setting the DMX address through the button or upper computer, or using RF2.4G RGB/RGBW remote control, DS decoder can do it with ease.

The independent control mode of the DS decoder is particularly important for the lighting system in the reception area. The mode, speed and brightness can be easily adjusted at the touch of a button, making the lighting effect of the building more flexible and versatile. It can present different visual effects at different times of the day, encouraging more visitors to stop and look.

Skydance decoder DS to achieve dynamic lighting effect of ring curtain wall


Colour restoration for architectural excellence


The architecture of the system is renowned for its modernity and futuristic artistry, and the lighting design played a crucial role in this process.The DS decoder ensures the ultimate reproduction of every colour, thanks to its control points of up to 170 pixels (RGB 510 CH) Max 900 pixels.

The DS decoder is capable of precisely controlling the brightness and speed of the lighting, as well as the saturation of colours, which allows the building to be illuminated to its fullest potential, even at night.

Skydance decoder DS to achieve dynamic lighting effect of ring curtain wall


DMX Full Series, Unlimited Possibilities


In commercial complexes, different functional areas have varying requirements for lighting control. In the reception area of the shopping centre, DMX series is responsible for the overall control, while SPI series is used to manage the intricate animation and colour alterations.

△Skydance decoder DS to achieve dynamic lighting effect of ring curtain wall

Skydance offers a comprehensive range of intelligent lighting control solutions. The DMX-SPI decoder DS allows users to integrate SPI devices into existing DMX systems, ensuring compatibility and consistency across the entire lighting system.

The lighting system of skydance can be combined and expanded according to project requirements. Both old and new controllers, decoders and signal amplifiers can be easily integrated into the existing system. 0/1-10V, SPI, Triac and even WiFi can access APP and voice control. Extremely high adaptability and expandability provide unlimited possibilities for various application scenarios.

△Skydance complete DMX512 product line

As a leading manufacturer of high-end controllers, Skydance illuminates the night sky of the city with innovative lighting solutions, reinforcing the enduring appeal of light and shadow.

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