
2024 Frankfurt Light+Building Fair


2024 Frankfurt Light+Building Fair


3-8 Mar,2024 It will be held at Frankfurt Exhibition Center in Germany


Skydance Booth: Hall 10.1,E46

This exhibition is the world's largest light and building technology and equipment exhibition. In the era of artificial intelligence and IOT, new products and technologies are constantly emerging. This exhibition will show various global solutions to current challenges. It provides a highly international and high-quality business platform for people in the global lighting and building technology and electrical industries.

What solutions will the show offer to drive advancements in lighting, electrical in buildings, etc.? For example, energy efficiency and sustainable development also play an important role in the field of lighting. Innovative technologies on how to effectively improve the energy efficiency of houses and buildings, modular lighting systems combined with digital control technology can provide appropriate lighting when needed, thereby reducing waste.

Another is that the solution to urgent energy and climate problems lies in continued electrification and digitalization. The building industry remains a  major source of CO2 emissions, and investment in sustainable energy will be the main way to achieve climate goals.

The theme of this exhibition in 2024 is: electrification and digitalization of houses and buildings. Covering every field from future-oriented home and building technology to smart lighting technology

SKYDANCE continues to promote its overseas expansion, and international exhibitions are an important channel for brands to go overseas. The exhibition is coming soon. SKYDANCE will present the latest smart lighting control solutions and products at the exhibition. Looking forward to meeting you at this fair!

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